Electives & Pre-requisites

Electives & Pre-requisites

BIOLOGY – Must earn a “C-“or higher in each prerequisite course
BIO 110 Biological InquiryNone
BIO 201 GeneticsBIO 102, CHM 102, CHM 102L
BIO 202 MicrobiologyBIO 102, CHM 102, CHM 102L
BIO 224 Cancer BiologyBIO 201
BIO 280 ST-Conservation Biology in HawaiiBIO major, junior/senior standing, permission of instructor
BIO 290GMOs/Biotechnology
BIO 301Comparative Vertebrate AnatomyBIO 102, BIO 201, CHM 201, CHM 201L
BIO 313Developmental BiologyBIO 201, CHM 201, 201L
BIO 317BiochemistryBIO 201, CHM 201, 201L
BIO 320Urban EcologyMinimum of sophomore standing
BIO 380Conservation BiologyBIO 201 (or concurrent enrollment), or permission of the instructor
BIO 402Human PhysiologyBIO 201, CHM 201, CHM 201L
BIO 418Cell BiologyBIO 201, CHM 201, CHM 201L, add’l bio course (with lab) at 200-level or higher
BIO 423EcologyBIO 201, MAT 111, junior/senior standing, or permission of the instructor
CHEMISTRY – Must earn a “C-“or higher in each prerequisite course
CHM 101 General Chemistry ISatisfaction of the mathematics placement requirement
CHM 102 General Chemistry IICHM 101 and CHM 101L
CHM 201 Organic Chemistry ICHM 102 and CHM 102L
CHM 202 Organic Chemistry IICHM 201 and CHM 201L
CHM 310 Elementary Quantitative AnalysisCHM 201
CHM 422 Instr. Meth of Chemical AnalysisCHM 310
CHM 424 Organic SpectroscopyCHM 202
CHM 490 AST-Environmental Toxicology
CRS 101 Theories of Comm. and Rhetoric Studies
CRS 110 Public SpeakingNone
CRS 120Intro to Media StudiesNone
CRS 240 JournalismNone
CRS 260 Writing for Business & the ProfessionsCOR 101 and COR 102
CRS 280 Gender, Culture, & CommunicationNone
CRS 290 ST-ocial MediaNone
CRS 310 Public Relations WritingCRS 101 and CRS 240, or permission of the instructor
CRS 320 Persuasive WritingCOR 101 and COR 102, minimum of sophomore standing
CRS 340 Mass Media EffectsCOR 102, CRS 101 and CRS 120
CRS 415 Survey of Research MethodsJunior standing or permission of the instructor
CRS 420 Media, Culture and Society CRS 101, CRS 120, and junior standing (or permission of the instructor)
CRS 470 Globalization and the MediaCRS 101, CRS 120, and junior standing (or permission of the instructor)
CRS 480 Rhetoric of Human RightsCRS 101 and junior standing, or permission of the instructor
CRS 490 AST-Just Food?
COMPUTER SCIENCE – Must earn a “C-“or higher in each prerequisite course
CSC 201 Introduction to ProgrammingNone
CSC 202 Data StructuresCSC 201
CSC 490 Adv Topics in Computer ScienceCSC 201, other depending on the course
ECO 320 Economic Development ECO 120 or ECO 122
ECO 325Environmental EconomicsECO 120
ECO425Public FinanceECO 120 and ECO 122
ENG 105 World Literature
ENG 210 Intro to Literary and Cultural StudiesCOR 101 and COR 102 (concurrent enrollment acceptable)
ENG 240 TV and Reading-Critical Literacy & American Narratives
ENG-331 Creative Writing: The Long Form EssayCOR 101, COR 102 and a 100-level English course (the last with a grade of “C-“or higher)
ENG 490AST-French and Spanish Crossroads
FRE 101 Elementary French I
FRE 102 Elementary French IIFRE 101 or placement by testing
FRE 201 Intermediate French IFRE 102 or placement by testing
FRE 202 Intermediate French IIFRE 201 or placement by testing
FRE 490French and Spanish Crossroads
GER 101 Elementary German I
GER 102 Elementary German IIGER 101 or placement by testing
GER 201 Intermediate German IGER 102 or placement by testing
GER 202 Intermediate German IIGER 201 or placement by testing
HIS 330Between the Wars, U.S. History from 1919-1945
INT 290 ST-Science, Technology, &the Future of Humankind
INT 290ST-Anthropology of Religion
INT 290ST-Global World Cultures
JPN 101Elementary Japanese I
JPN 101 Elementary Japanese IIJPN 101 or placement by testing
JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese IJPN 102 or permission of the instructor
JPN 202Intermediate Japanese IIJPN 201 or permission of the instructor
MATHEMATICS – Must earn a “C-“or higher in each prerequisite course
MAT 111 StatisticsNone
MAT 361 ProbabilityMAT 132 and MAT 241
MAT 490 AST-Mathematics of BiologyDepends on topic but will include a minimum of MAT 241
NPM 220The Nonprofit SectorNone
NPM 265Nonprofit CommunicationsNone
PHI 201 Formal LogicNone
PHYSICS- Must earn a “C-“or higher in each prerequisite course
PHY 101 General Physics ISatisfaction of the mathematics placement requirement
PHY 102 General Physics IIPHY 101
PHY 201 College Physics ISatisfaction of the mathematics placement requirement
PHY 202 College Physics IIPHY 201
POL 101 Introduction to PoliticsNone
POL 111 International RelationsNone
POL 304 African American PoliticsPermission of the instructor
POL 371Survey of Research MethodsJunior standing or permission of the instructor
PSY 125Human SexualityNone
PSY 201 Developmental PsychologyPSY 101
PSY 206 Abnormal PsychologyPSY 101
PSY 290ST-Public Mental Health
SOC 101 Intro to SociologyNone
SOC 125Human SexualityNone
SOC 201The FamilyNone
SOC 310Survey of Research MethodsJunior standing or permission of the instructor
SPN 101Elementary Spanish INone
SPN 102Elementary Spanish IISPN 101 or placement by testing
SPN 201Intermediate Spanish ISPN 102 or placement by testing
SPN 290Special Topics in SpanishSPN 301
SPN 301Advanced SpanishSPN 201 or placement by testing
SPN 490AST - Spanish for the Medical Arena
SPN 490AST-French and Spanish Crossroads
THE 100 Production LabNone
THE 105Beginning CharacterizationNone
THE 210Theatre History INone
THE 220Theatre History IINone
THE 310 StagecraftNone
UPL 201 Introduction to LeadershipNone
ULP 303 The New American CityNone
ULP 304 Community Issues Forum: Principles into Practice
WGS 280Gender, Culture, & CommunicationNone